Pastor Dominic Omokaro
President and Chairman of Council
I welcome all our friends, associates, colleagues and visitors to the Nigerian Library Association's (NLA) website. The Nigerian Library Association came into existence in 1962 as an offshoot of the West African Library Association (WALA) which was the umbrella body of librarians in the then British colonies in west Africa. As nations gained independence,the agitation for national associations became prevalent and the forefathers of the profession decided to form a national association for librarians and information service providers in Nigeria with the following objectives among others:
- To unite all persons engaged in the library and Information Profession in Nigeria.
- To facilitate capacity building of members as well as promote whole interaction amongst them by Organizing Workshops,Seminars, Roundtables, Colloquias, Conferences and Meetings, and such other events as may be deemed fit by the Association
- To issue a variety of publications related to library and Information Science, Knowledge Management, Education and any other related discipline.
- To safeguard and promote the professional interests and welfare of members.
- To pursue the establishment and development of Libraries, Information and Resource centres , especially Public, Community and School Libraries
- To provide support for the establishment and maintenance of Standards for the education and certification of librarians, Archivists and information Scientists in Nigeria.
- To influence the enactment of library legislations and formulation of policies on Libraries and information centres and to promote such legislations as may be considered necessary for the establishment,regulation and management of Libraries and information centres in Nigeria.
- To encourage studies and research in librarianship and allied fields as well as the formation of library networks and consortiums.
The membership of the Association is categorized into Fellows, Personal, Associate, Affiliate, Affiliate Corporate, Student, Institutional, Honorary, Corresponding/ International and Endowment members.
The Association is made up of 37 State Chapters and 13 sections. The Chairmen of these sub units with members of the national executive constitute the Council of the Association. The President is the Chairman of the Council and he is saddled with the responsibility of running the Association with the executive and Secretariat staff of the Association.
The Association is affiliated to some national,sub- regional, Regional and global bodies such as the Association of Professional Bodies of Nigeria (APBN),Nigerian Bookfair Trust, West African Library Association (WALA), African Library & Information Associations & Institution (AFLIA) and the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA). We collaborate with other bodies to promote readership and information literacy in Nigeria and are open to international collaborations.
In the 61 years of our existence as a professional Association, amongst our many achievements is the establishment of the Librarians' Registration Council Nigerian a pioneering agency for the regulation of the practice of Library and Information Science in Nigeria. This effort galvanized the recognition of Library and Information Science as a Profession in Nigeria. To this end, librarianship in Nigeria is highly regulated like any other profession.
As the 22nd President of the Association,it is my desire to make the LIS profession a major player in our national development. The library remains the only platform to promote readership, develop lifelong learning habits, engage government and policy makers to invest in librarianship with a view to developing skilled manpower for national development.
We are looking at Revitalizing the School Library system in Nigeria, Revitalizing the Public library system, promoting and developing a robust curriculum for LIS profession, recognizing our members and motivating them for greater performance in the delivery of our services.
It is my personal belief that we can change our narrative and make NLA vibrant,engaging, connecting and prosperous again and again. I am committed to speaking, fighting,promoting the cause of the profession in Nigeria and I am certain that Together we can do it.
We are open to constructive ideas and criticism and are out to give value to our members. We want to hold world class Conferences, Workshops and Seminars and to engage the government and the citizenry to bring more visibility to our activities. We also want to build the leadership capacity of our members and prepare them for leadership positions as we now have about 4 librarians that are university Vice Chancellors and two Polytechnic Rectors. We have about 130 professors and so many Ph.D holders aspiring for leadership positions and must be prepared.
The website is our major link to the world to disseminate information,share knowledge and connect to the world. Be a part of us and welcome to our world.